Khwaja Gharib Nawaz

"Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti رضياللهعنه, the most eminent saints in Islamic Mysticism, hails from the esteemed lineage of Ahle Baith."

Arrival in India and legacy

Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishti رضي الله عنه arrived in India in the 12th century, bringing profound spiritual insight and commitment to Islam. He established a revered center in Ajmer, becoming a source of guidance and enlightenment. His teachings and character left a lasting impact, continuing to inspire devotion and compassion. His legacy remains a vital part of India’s heritage.


In accordance with the aforementioned spiritual command, he embarked on a journey to India accompanied by 40 of his disciples.


After dedicating 20 years of his life under the guidance of his Murshid (Spiritual Master), Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه was prepared to embark on his noble mission. Prior to their parting, Khwaja Usman Harwaniرضياللهعنه bestowed upon Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه the "Khirqa-E-Khilajas" (Robes Conferred on Successor) and the MustafawiTabarukaat, which have been traditionally passed down in the Chishtiya Silsila from one generation of Sufi Dervishes to the next. During this significant occasion, Khwaja Usman Harwaniرضياللهعنه addressed his beloved Khalifa (Successor), saying, "O Moinudeen, I have undertaken all this work for your perfection, and it is now your responsibility to uphold our tradition and fulfill your duty diligently. A spiritual son is one who follows the commandments of his Peer (Spiritual Guide) and includes them in his shijra (Genealogy), faithfully discharging his duties, so that no shame may befall us on the Day of Judgment (Qayamat)." Following the sermon, Peer-O-Murshid handed over his Asa Mubarak (Blessed Staff), Khirqa (Robe), wooden sandals, and musallah (Praying Carpet), emphasizing that these taburakaat (sacred relics) serve as cherished mementos of our piran-e-tariqat (Way of Succession from Murshid to Khalifa), which have been passed down to us in succession from the holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Now, they are entrusted to Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه, with a request to hold them with the same reverence as they have been kept. These sacred relics should be handed down only to those who prove themselves strictly worthy. Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه was advised to strive for perfection in renunciation, to distance himself from common people, and to never demand or expect anything from anyone. With a heavy heart, Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harwaniرضياللهعنه embraced Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه, kissed his forehead, and expressed, "I entrust you to Allah Almighty." Thus, Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه departed from his Peer-O-Murshid, ready to carry forth the mission with a profound sense of responsibility.


In accordance with the aforementioned spiritual command, he embarked on a journey to India accompanied by 40 of his disciples. They passed through various places such as Baghdad, Khirqan, Astarabad, Heart, Lahore, and Delhi. Along the way, they encountered several Shaikhs and Walis, but after brief stays, they continued their journey to Ajmer. Upon reaching India, they briefly stayed in Delhi before resuming their journey to Ajmer. At that time, Ajmer was ruled by a powerful king named Raja Prithviraj Chauhan. The people of this region were unfamiliar with Islam, and a prophecy had been made to the king that the arrival of a certain Dervish would bring about the destruction of his kingdom. As a result, the king ordered his guards to thoroughly inspect anyone entering the kingdom. In this hostile environment, Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه entered the kingdom with his 40 disciples. Their caravan was intercepted by the guards at a place called Sammana. However, upon seeing the Dervish and his disciples, the guards respectfully stepped aside, allowing the caravan to reach its destination, Ajmer. Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه instructed his disciples to set up camp near water and trees, known as Aana Sagar. However, even there, the king's guards appeared and demanded that Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه relocate so that the king's camels could rest in that spot. Nevertheless, Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه moved his caravan to the top of the hill near Aana Sagar, which is now known as Chilla Sharif. Following this incident, the king made several attempts to prevent Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه from settling in Ajmer. He even sent his renowned magician, Ajaypal Jogi, to challenge Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه. However, with the help of Allah Almighty, the magician was unable to harm Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه and, upon hearing his sermon, he became one of his disciples, abandoning his magic and embracing Islam. News quickly spread throughout Ajmer and the surrounding villages about the arrival of a pious Dervish. People began flocking to him in large numbers, and this following continued to grow day by day. Everyone who approached Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه was treated with kindness and bestowed with blessings. People were greatly inspired by his divine teachings, sermons, and humility, leading them to embrace Islam. Around the same time, Shahbuddin Gori launched an invasion of India in 1192 A.D., and in the famous Battle of Tarain, he defeated Raja Prithvi Raj Chauhan. Upon learning of Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه presence in Ajmer, Shahbuddin Gori personally visited him and experienced the grace of their meeting. Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه continued his noble and magnificent mission, guiding people towards the path of Truth. He also dispatched his disciples and successors to different parts of the country to serve the people and teach the principles of Islam. Some of his prominent successors are:

  • 1. Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki رضياللهعنه - Located in Delhi
  • 2. Hazrat Shaikh Fariduddin Ganj-E-Shakar رضياللهعنه - Located in Pak Pattan
  • 3. Hazrat Shaik Nizamuddin Auliya رضياللهعنه - Located in Delhi
  • 4. Hazrat Shaik Nasiruddin Chiragh Delhi رضياللهعنه - Located in Delhi


Embrace Love, Embrace Humanity Mere words of peace hold no true worth, Mere words of Allah and religion alone won't suffice. Unleash the dormant powers within your being, Reveal the splendid magnificence of your immortal essence. Radiate peace and joy wherever you tread, A blazing fire of truth, a soothing balm of peace. With your spiritual light, dispel ignorance's darkness, Spread goodwill, peace, and harmony among all. Rely solely on Allah, seeking no help or favor, Avoid the courts of kings, but aid the needy who seek you. Your mission is to serve humanity, Fulfill it with devotion and courage. May I, as your Peer-O-Murshid, Not be ashamed of any shortcomings on the Day of Judgment, Before the Almighty Allah and our revered Sufi predecessors, Carry out your mission faithfully and honorably.


After accomplishing the objectives of his profound mission and faithfully carrying out the divine command bestowed upon him by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, his noble soul departed from his mortal body on the 6th of Rajab, 633 Hijri (16th March 1236), at the age of 97. On the 4th of Rajab, prior to entering his meditation chamber known as the Hujra, he advised his disciples with utmost care, requesting that he should not be disturbed until his Khalifa, Khwaja Qutbuddin رضياللهعنه, arrived. On the 6th of Rajab, the designated successor, Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki رضياللهعنه, made his way from Delhi to Ajmer. He gently knocked on the door of the Hujra, but received no response. Realizing the situation, Hazrat Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki رضياللهعنه instructed the mureed (disciple) of Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه to open the door. To their astonishment, they discovered that their beloved Murshid had already departed from the physical world to reunite with his Lord, Allah Almighty. What transpired next left all those present in awe and amazement. The forehead of Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه was adorned with radiant letters of divine light, bearing the inscription, "He was a lover of Allah and has departed in the love of Allah." This miraculous phenomenon served as a testament to his profound connection with the Divine. He was laid to rest within the same cell, which had been the focal point of his divine activities during his time in Ajmer. Such was the manner in which this illustrious saint transitioned from the mortal realm. He not only purified the characters of countless individuals but also guided them towards a more virtuous and noble way of life. He imparted invaluable teachings on humanity and truth, illuminating the path of righteousness. Today, his final resting place is renowned as the Dargah Sharif, a Holy Shrine. People from all walks of life, regardless of their caste, creed, or beliefs, journey from far and wide to pay their respects and offer devotion at this esteemed shrine. They seek the blessings of Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه and find solace in the spiritual atmosphere that surrounds his sacred tomb.

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