Khwaja Gharib Nawaz

"Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti رضياللهعنه, the most eminent saints in Islamic Mysticism, hails from the esteemed lineage of Ahle Baith."

Spiritual Journey and Mission

Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishti رضي الله عنه experienced a significant turning point in his life, marked by a deep engagement in intellectual pursuits and a profound spiritual journey. This transformation led him to attain both intellectual and spiritual enlightenment, shaping his role as a revered saint and scholar in Islamic mysticism.


His life took a fortunate turn,intellectual pursuits and spiritual growth,leading him to intellectual and spiritual enlightenment. As a youth, he began to took over the mill and estate that had been passed down to him and made it as a means of sustenance, and dedicated his efforts towards the care and maintenance of the plantation. He personally handled all the aspects of the mill’s operations and enjoyed very tranquil and happy life. But He was selected by Allah عزوجل as a devoted servant to serve the sacred faith by imparting knowledge and providing assistance to the people. As a result, a fortunate incidence occurred in his life that led him into the realm of intellectual world and enabled him to reach the elevated position of tariqat (Acceleration) and guidance.


Due to the prevailing unsafe environment, Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه father, Khwaja Giyasuddinرضياللهعنه, made the decision to migrate with his family to Nishapur, the capital city. Nishapur was renowned for its Nizamiyyah University and its precious library, which housed a wealth of original Islamic literature. Additionally, the city boasted lush gardens, canals, and flourishing agricultural fields. In one of the suburbs, known as Rewand, his father purchased a grape orchard with a windmill, seeking a peaceful life in the fertile lands. However, Nishapur itself was not spared from social evils and unrest. Sultan Sanjar, engaged in prolonged battles with the Tartars at the border, was absent from the capital for an extended period. This resulted in the disintegration of his administrative machinery, and internal factions such as the Qarmiti and Batini sect's Fidayees emerged from hiding, engaging in looting and violence, turning the city into a scene of massacre. These incidents deeply affected Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه stirring profound contemplation within him. However, he found no definite conclusion amidst these distressing events. With the defeat of Sultan Sanjar, the enemy gained free reign, causing the destruction of once-flourishing cities of Islamic culture, reducing them to rubble and ruin. One can surmise that through these series of events and tragedies, Allah Almighty intended to prepare and showcase Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه for a noble and divine mission of reform and peace for all of humanity. He was destined for an extraordinary path of spreading love, harmony, peace, and exemplifying the true essence of Islamic teachings.


At the tender age of sixteen, Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه suffered the loss of both his parents. Inheriting an orchard and a windmill as his means of livelihood, even at a young age, Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه displayed remarkable compassion and selflessness, embodying the noble traits of character unique to the household of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to which he belonged. One day, while tending to his orchard, he noticed a pious Dervish (Saint) named Hazrat Ibrahim Qandooziرضياللهعنه who had taken a seat under the shade of a tree. Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه approached the Dervish and offered him a fresh bunch of grapes and fruits to eat. Delighted by this gesture, the visitor then took something out of his bag, chewed it himself, and offered it to the young Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه. Without hesitation or question, Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه consumed it, and in that very moment, he felt the illumination of wisdom and knowledge. Following this profound spiritual incident, he divested himself of all his worldly possessions, including the orchard and windmill, and distributed the proceeds among the poor. Severing all ties with worldly pleasures and comforts, he embarked on a spiritual journey that led him to Samarkand and Bukhara, renowned centers of religious education and knowledge. It was there that he became a Hafiz (having memorized the Quran) and distinguished himself as an Aalim, possessing comprehensive understanding of various Islamic subjects and ideologies. Although he dedicated himself to prayers, meditation, fasting, and the remembrance of Allah Almighty, he felt that something was still missing in his quest to approach Allah Almighty. In his own words, he proclaimed, "Success is not possible without a Peer (Guide)."


Feeling the need for a spiritual master, Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه embarked on a journey in search of such a guide. He traveled extensively, covering vast distances, with the sole purpose of finding his true mentor. Eventually, he arrived in a town called Harwan, where one of the greatest Sufi Dervishes of that time, Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harwaniرضياللهعنه, resided. This esteemed saint had gained significant popularity and attracted numerous individuals seeking spiritual enlightenment, as well as religious and moral guidance. Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه approached Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harwaniرضياللهعنه with utmost reverence and humility. He kissed the ground as a sign of deep respect and earnestly requested, "Sir, may I humbly ask to be accepted as one of your devoted disciples (Mureeds)." Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harwaniرضياللهعنه, through his intuitive perception, instantly recognized that this seeker was the most deserving and suitable candidate to join the circle of his spiritual lineage. Without any hesitation, he graciously granted Khwaja Garib Nawaz's request, initiating him as a Mureed in his spiritual chain.


In the words of Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه himself, he recounted the events of his initiation by Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harwaniرضياللهعنه: "I had the honor of appearing before Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harwaniرضياللهعنه, along with other esteemed luminaries. I humbly bowed my head in solemn reverence. Hazrat Usman Harwaniرضياللهعنه instructed me to offer two rakat of prayer, which I did. He then directed me to sit facing the Kaaba (Mecca) and recite Durud Sharif (praise and blessings for the Holy Prophet ﷺ and his family) 21 times, Subhan Allah (glory be to Allah) 60 times, and I complied. After that, he took my hand in his own hand and gazed toward the heavens, saying, 'Let me present you to Allah Almighty.' He then cut my hair with a pair of scissors and placed a special Tarki Cap on my head. He asked me to recite Surah Ikhlas (a chapter from the Quran) one thousand times, and I completed the recitation. He then said, 'Among our followers, there is only one day and one night of probation, so go and fulfill it today.' Accordingly, I spent one day and one night in prayer and presented myself before him the next morning. He asked me to sit down and repeat Surah Ikhlas one thousand times, and I did so. Then he asked me to look toward the heavens. When I raised my eyes, he inquired, 'How far do you see?' I replied, 'Up to Arsh-E-Moalla (the heavenly throne).' He asked me to 'look below,' and I replied, 'Up to Tahtu-Sara (the abyss).' He then asked me to sit and repeat 'Surah Ikhlas' one thousand times again, and I complied. He then asked me to 'look toward heaven' once more, and when I did, he asked, 'How far do you see now?' I answered, 'Up to Hijaab-E-Azmat' He then instructed me to 'close my eyes,' and after a moment, he asked me to 'open my eyes,' and I did so. Then he showed me his two fingers and inquired, 'What do you see through them?' I replied, '18,000 Aalam (worlds).' When he heard this, he said, 'Now your work is over.' He then looked toward a nearby brick and asked me to pick it up. To my surprise, I found some gold coins (dinaars) under it. He instructed me to distribute these coins among the poor and needy, which I faithfully did. Afterward, I was instructed to remain with him until the prescribed period."


Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه, accompanied by his Peer-O-Murshid, Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harwaniرضياللهعنه, embarked on numerous journeys to various places. They visited Damishk, where they met prominent Sufis of that era. Additionally, they made multiple trips to the sacred cities of Makkah and Madinah to perform Hajj pilgrimage. During one of these trips, while at Makkah, Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harwaniرضياللهعنه prayed for Khwaja Garib Nawaz success, and they heard a spiritual voice responding, "O Usman, we have accepted Moinuddin as our beloved devotee." They then proceeded to Madinah, where Peer-O-Murshid instructed Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه to offer homage and salutations at the shrine of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. In Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه own words, "After the salutation, I heard a voice responding, 'Wa Alaykum As-Salam, Ya Qutb-ulMashaikh-e Bahr-O-Bar' (Peace be upon you, O spiritual leader of all the Walis on the earth)." Upon this, Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harwaniرضياللهعنه informed Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه that he had reached the stage of perfection as a Dervish. During one of their visits to Makkah and Madinah, Khwaja Garib Nawaz رضياللهعنه received a prophetic dream in which the Prophet ﷺ said, "O Moinudeen, you are the promoter of our religion. Proceed to Hind (India) where people are unaware of Islam. Show them the path of truth, and with Allah Almighty's help, Islam will shine there." In the dream, he even saw the geographical route leading to Ajmer, India.

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