Fakhruddin Gardezi رضي الله عنه dedicated himself to serving his Shaikh usthad, Uthman Haruni رضي الله عنه, and accumulating merit until he was granted the Khilafat and Tawreeqat. After bidding farewell to his Guru,(Shaikh ) he joined Khwaja Moinuddin hasan رضي الله عنه as a companion to spread the teachings of Saint Deen e islam in India, eventually settling in Ajmer. Details of his journey alongside Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti's رضي الله عنه arrival in India can be found in books like "Gulshan” and more Following the attainment of titles like Caliph, Tawreeqat, and Ijazat, Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti رضي الله عنه departed for Isfahan, situated in present-day Iran, near the town of "Sanjar." Accompanying him on this journey was Fakhruddin Gardezi رضي الله عنه. Their travels took them to a town inhabited by infidels, gardeners, fire-worshippers, raiders, and demons. Seeking refuge under the shade of a tree, they found several fire pits burning intensely, their flames continually reignited. Khaja's رضي الله عنه intention was to guide those who had lost their way, leading him to dispatch his friend, servant, and caliph, Fakhruddin رضي الله عنه, for this purpose. After completing his pilgrimage to Madinah, Khaja Moinuddin Chisti رضي الله عنه returned and arrived at the ashram of his spiritual disciple, Usman Haruni رضي الله عنه, where he humbly prostrated before his Usthad. Following the Usthad's command, Fakhruddin Gardezi رضي الله عنه accompanied him as a companion.